Monday, December 19, 2005

From Captain Typho's Blog: Hyperspace: “We might be looking at some jail time”

Dormé has a plan.
Dormé has a plan.
Originally uploaded by Captain Typho.
Where: In the Naboo cruiser, en route to Ansion.

Feeling: Like I need a nap.

Listening to: Dormé.

I sometimes wish I was a Jedi.

But don’t tell anybody.

No, I don’t envy them. The “no attachments” thing wouldn’t work for me. What I’m getting at is that at times like this it would be incredibly convenient to be able to read minds (though, as I recall, Siri is inconsistent with that).

My last couple of conversations with Dormé have been awkward and, I fear, misleading. I tried to be honest with her about not having a clear plan for what is to happen on Ansion, yet her response was a simple “It’ll be okay,” after which her mind seemed to wander a bit.

So what did that mean, exactly? Was she thinking, “What a freaking idiot this guy is!” Or was she thinking, “I have total faith in him”?

Yeah, I know -- the former.



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