Sunday, May 21, 2006

Special News Report !

We are sorry to break into your programming this evening, but we have some breaking news that is of vital interest to the whole galaxy.

There has been a confirmed report that we have had a breakout of the maximum security detention center on the Penal Colony on the planet Detentcerion !

As we understand it , at this point all but 3 of the would be escapees have been captured .

We are not sure of the exact identities of two of the three , but have been informed that the ring leader is none other than the Galaxy's meanest Life Form.

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

From Captain Typho's Blog - Breakfast with Jardena: Epilogue

I was functioning on autopilot for most of the day. There was an "emergency" senate sub-committee meeting for the leaders of the Chommell sector that Senator Amidala had to attend, which meant I had to attend.

This was followed by a security briefing for me with the building manager of 500 Republica. Afterwards I took care of the paperwork involved in elevating the security clearances for Ellé and Moteé, whose promotions to chief handmaidens had been approved by Padmé. Later there was a briefing with other senatorial security chiefs concerning a military pride parade that the senators were expected to support and attend.

In between meetings I took another pass through the scary amount of messages I'd accumulated while I was off-planet. I came across one I'd missed. It was from Dormé, concerning her letter of resignation. Her abrupt departure had been troubling, to say the least and the message she had left me was cryptic. With some misgivings, I responded and asked her to clarify.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dear Parents !

I Jus Dont Believe what I am readin Here ! We attempt ta get our kids a better education and the Federation hits us with the following letter !

Read throught this and tell me If our Younglins should be expected ta live up ta these standards !

Dear Parents :

Reacting to Federation guidelines, the Planet Naboo, which has been highlighted as a role model for student testing by The Federation Administration Dept. of Education, ( FADE ) has redesigned and just released a new comprehensive test to be given to all students beginning in the spring of the 2894 school year.

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Big Brother: Naboo

Survivor: Tatooine